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All advantages of
 H-Zontal BiKe

Prone position ?
And competition ?
And after, what ?
A few links
Links for HPV (Huuman Powered Vehicles) :
France HPV
AFB : Association française des Bentriders
Results and photos of the world championship 2007 on  HPV Belgium
Special Bikes Show 2007 in Germany Spezi
English recumbent forum ; frenchs forums : vélorizontalyon et  vélorizontal
Some links about prone bikes :
 Prototypes  ; A prone to sell ; A racing prone.
Links to my suppliers :
Daniel Guedon sell me some special part for frames.
Other tubes are bought at ULM technologies
Handlebars are swifted by Bonamy's Hervé à Brison Saint innocent (73)
Special parts are tooled by Proto 73 à Rumilly (74)
Special foams are bought at Plastiform's
Somes platic parts by PLASTI SAVOIE INDUSTRIES (PSI), DELIRE, et  Nouvel R
à Annecy (74)
Stickers by Cheney sérigraphie
Other links with amazing bikes :
Tandem associatif : when two bike can be one tandem in five minutes.
Hase : A confortable trike and a super tandem with two positions.
Brompton : A good folding bike.
BionX : Put an electric engine on your own bike.