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All advantages of   H-Zontal Bike
Maximal thrust
Natural posture
Mountain bike
Prone position ?
And competition ?
And after, what ?
Comparison between a classic bike and the H-Zontal on a various run 35 km long :
Run profile  
Classic bike :
1 h 33 mm 29 s :

21,9 km/h

H-Zontal bike :
1 h 19 mm 53 s :

25,7 km/h
13 mn less !
On this run, H-Zontal is 17 % faster !
The average (25 km/h) may make certainely a trained cyclist laugh. 
But this is idiot, because it's a comparison with the same cyclist and the same level of components.

With a carbon made and a trained cyclist, you will break a record !
I just told you with this position, the bike is faster for everybody !

This comparison try to be with the same weather temperature and wind, with two bike realised in steel, with the same wheels, etc.
In spite hte H-Zontal was 2 kg heavier, it was faster even in little raise which cannot be exempt of aerodynimics

other comparison are planed (flat way, raise, descent) with classic bike and recumbent and full analysis will be done with LMAS (Model of sportive activities laboratory)
So if you want more information please contact me.